Prevenium Medical Imaging MRI in Scottsdale, Radiologist, Medical Imaging Radiologist in Scottsdale, Medical Imaging
Radiologist in Scottsdale, Medical Imaging

Our Services

Full Body 3T MRI Health Screening

This comprehensive health screening uses state-of-the-art, ultra fast, high resolution MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging) that are safe, accurate and do not involve contrast or x-ray radiation, to look inside the body for potentially life threatening diseases like cancer, aneurysms and other afflictive illnesses in the early stages.

The Full Body MRI screening includes the head and neck MRI and MRA (angiogram of brain blood vessels and carotid arteries), the thyroid, submandibular and parotid glands; thorax: great vessels (thoracic aorta artery), mediastinum, chest wall structures and pleura; abdomen: liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands, gallbladder and (abdominal aorta artery), lumbar spine, pelvis tissue and reproductive organs.


Screening Services

Full Body MRI Scan